Hindi Notes of All Semesters


B.Sc.Ag. Hindi notes
B.Sc.Agriculture Hindi notes 
B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture Hindi notes

1st sem Hindi notes
1st semester Hindi notes

2nd sem Hindi notes
2nd semester Hindi notes

3rd sem Hindi notes
3rd semester Hindi notes

4th sem Hindi notes
4th semester Hindi notes

5th sem Hindi notes
5th semester Hindi notes

1st-year 1st semester to 3rd year 2 semester  Hindi Notes

1st year 1st sem
| Course code |                      DOWNLOAD  NOTES  

AHVG 5111  /  (AHORT 5111)                    
AHVG 5111

ASOIL 5111
Soil Sem 1st Sem

AEC 5111      
AEC hindi book   
AEC short note

AEC 5111

Eco 1

Economics DKS CARS bhatapara

Economics 5111

Economics notes

AENT 5111
Entomology notes 1

Entomology notes 2

Book by    Mathur Upadhayay   
in English & Hindi

AGRO 5111
Agro 5111

Agronomy 1st year

Agronomy 1st year half


Book by  K.L. Nandeha (Hindi)




B.Sc.Ag. Hindi notes
B.Sc.Agriculture Hindi notes 
B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture Hindi notes

2nd Sem Hindi notes 

1st year 2nd semester Hindi notes

1st year 2nd sem
| Course code |                        DOWNLOAD  NOTES                                               
AGRO 5121   
1. Water managemet hindi notes
2. Ng ranga (Eng) Water management


APB 5121     
1. Protein synthesis


AMB 5121      
1. Amb 5121 note6 
 4. microbio rb  

AENGG 5121     
1. Aengg 5121 raju
2. AENGG 5121

3. Engg 5121 notes            

ACP 5121     
1, short Acp 5121

2, Acp 5121


APP 5121         
No notes    

ABT 5121   
1. Abt 5121 chemistry hindi

5. Biotechnology         

AEXT 5121     
1. Aext 5121 short notes


AEC 5121     
1. economics 2sem by prashant 


AENT 5121    
1. 2nd Ipm notes in hindi

2. Aent 5121 formulation,     


B.Sc.Ag. Hindi notes
B.Sc.Agriculture Hindi notes 
B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture Hindi notes

3rd sem hindi notes 

2nd year 1st semester Hindi notes

2nd year 1st sem
| Course code |                DOWNLOAD  NOTES                                               

AGRO 5211             
1. Agro + horti chart

2. Agro-5211 shortnotes

3. agronomy sec I

4. Bkci kharif crop
5. english kharif crop

6. Field crops

7. name of kharif crops

8.principle of agro 5221

APB 5211               
1. Apb 5211 hp notes

2. center of origin

short note PB

4. plant breeding notes

AEC 5211                 
1. Aec-5211 part1

2. aeco3rdsem

3. agricultural finance

4. economics finance hindi B

5. Agricultural finance & coperation

6. economics sec I

7. Finance

8. Five year plan   

ASTAT 5211         
1. Astat 5211 mobile app

2. Astat-5211 by AD

3. Astat5211 bedram

4.Computer 55                                          

5. Computer hindi book

6. computer sec I

7. computer system

8. assign Astat

AENGG 5211            
1. aengg 3rd sem


3. Engg hindi

4. Engineering sec I

5. farm power notes 

AHVG 5211               
1. Agro =horti chart

2. Ahort 5211 notes

3. Ahvg crops 5211

4. Ahvg rajwade 5211,
AFOR 5211           
1. Afor 5211 es hindi

2. Disater management Topic16

AVET 5211              
1. Objective HDS

2. Adhunik pashu palan 

3. Animal husbandry sec I,

4.Avet 5211 notes,        
5. Avet3rd sem

6. NBPGR buffalo breed

7. Livestock, 8.Liver fluke in cattel

ABT 5211              
1. Abt note food contaminants

2. ABT 5211 food safety 2nd yr

3. control parameters,
8. fss act hindi

9. Abt 5211 hindi notes

  FSSAI official PDFs
                           Hindi  :-  

 2. Level 1 hindi    

                           English :- 
1. Dark book 3_5_2018,    

2. Draft advanced manufacturing manual 8_11_2017,


B.Sc.Ag. Hindi notes
B.Sc.Agriculture Hindi notes 
B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture Hindi notes

4th sem hindi notes 

2nd year 2nd semester Hindi notes

2nd year 2nd sem
| Course code |               DOWNLOAD  NOTES                                               

AGRO 5221                     
1  Agro 52221 hindi rabi crop,   

2Agro 5221 rabi hand written,

3  Agro 5221 rabi hindi,

8. rabi crops 

AHFL 5221                       
1  Ahfl 5221by pinku,    

2    Ahfl 5221 flori,  

5  Ahfl 5221 (1),  

8  floriculture pdf,  

9  floriculture,  

10  ornamental crops,  

11  ornamental hindi 2,2,

AHFR 5221                      
1  AK AHFR 5221 new,   

2  Ahfr 5221 hindi,  

3  Ahfr 5221 pomology,  

Ahfr 5221,  

Ahfr-5221 (chart)

6  Ahfr-5221 (fruitchart),  

Fruit chart

8  ICT mango

9  Production Technology for fruit and Plantaion crop,  

10 SD AHFR 5221,             

APB 5221                   
1  Apb 5221 seed certi hindi,  

2  Seed tech pass-dansenag,  

Seed tech,

Seed technology Terms,   

5  Seed Technology 

AGRO 5222                     
1  F& S alok short,  

2  Agro-5222 MK,  

F&S agri hindi book

Farming hindi 2,2sem

Farming hindi notes (2),  

farming system 2nd year,  

Farming system Agro 5222,

farming system,  

land water problem  

10  FS&SA,  

11  sustainable land prob H

12  Vipin FS&SA

AEC 5221                        
Aec 5221 AD,  

2  Aec 5221 hindi,  

3  Aec 5221 short

Agricultural marketing book,    

marketing by akash sharma,   

marketing notes2,2   

AGRO 5223                     
1  Agro 5223 notes,  

2  Agro-5223 MK,  

3  Weed alam

weed management 2sem,

weed management 4th sem,  

6  weed management nnote by RK,

weed management(1),  

weed management 1,  

9  weed note 

ABM 5221                         

ABM__ ,  

6  Abm 5221 DD,  


B.Sc.Ag. Hindi notes
B.Sc.Agriculture Hindi notes 
B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture Hindi notes

5th sem hindi notes 

3rd year 1st semester Hindi notes

3rd year 1st sem

| Course code |                      DOWNLOAD  NOTES                                               

AENT 5311                     
1  Aent 5311 hindi,  

2  Aent 5311 Ipm hindi

ASOIL 5311                 

AENT 5312                      
1  Aent 5312 chart,  

2  AENT -321 insect pest list,  

3  AENT-converted-2

APP 5311                        
1  APP by pinku,  

2  App diseases horti field kharif(1),   

3  APP-211 (chart)

APB 5311                         
APB 5311by RD,  

APB 5311 kharif crop        

AEXT 5311                        

2  Aext 5311 hindi,  

3  Aext by RD 3yr  

4  AEXT by RD 2 

AENGG 5311                     
AENGG-5311 COA dantewada

AGRO 5311                   

APB 5312                           
1   APB-5312 notes

AHFL 5311                         
1   Ahfl 5311 hindi,  

2  Ahfl 5311 notes2

Ahfl 5311

AMET 5311                        


B.Sc.Ag. Hindi notes
B.Sc.Agriculture Hindi notes 
B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture Hindi notes

6th sem hindi notes 

3rd year 2nd semester Hindi notes

3rd year 2nd sem
| Course code |                 DOWNLOAD  NOTES                                               

AGRO 5321                     
1  Chudamani Rainfed agri,  

2  Rainfed Agr. 5321

Rainfed agriculture hindi,  

AENGG 5321                   
1   Aengg 5321 hindi green,  

2  Coa dantewada Aengg5321          

3 Manual greenhouse post-harvest Eng

4 Aengg 5321 PowerPoint
use PowerPoint, slides application for view

APP 5321                         
1   App5321 new01

AENT 5321                        
1  Aent 5321 sericulture,   

2  Entmo 5321 beneficial insect  

AGRO 5322                     
Practical subject

ACP 5321                            
1  Acp 5321 hindi notes,  

2  Acp 5321 nutri hindi,   

food & nutrition hindi,  
4  food preservation ,  

5  food science and nutrition book

food technology,
microorganism in food

English fundamentals of food technology

AHPD 5321                           
Practical subject 
(Educational tour)

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